Yoga for the Special Child® is a safe and gentle style of yoga therapy that addresses the needs of infants, children, teens and young adults with developmental disabilities, learning disabilities and ADHD.
Flexibility & Strength
We teach a balanced sequence of yoga poses designed to increase body awareness, flexibility and strength.
“Yoga is a gentle method of movement that involves lengthening of muscles, as well as core stability postures. I have seen wonderful changes in Ashleigh’s core strength as well as fluidity of movement through her legs. ... The core work has given Ashleigh more stability to help her with her physical therapy goals of sitting with less support, standing for transfers and activities of daily living and assisted walking.”
– Mary Clark Wyler, PT, PCS
Relaxation Techniques
Individualized breathing exercises and relaxation techniques that help concentration and Minimize hyperactivity.
“You help make our children’s lives become more independent and fulfilling as well as improving the world for children with disabilities. It is difficult to put into words how much your contribution means…these smiles say it best! Thank you once again for making the camp memorable and special for many children.”
– Janet Lutha, CTRS, Caring for Kids Coordinator, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Early Intervention
An early intervention program to ensure the healthy development of babies and young Children in the formative years.
“Our program allows children with disabilities to become more independent while increasing their self-esteem, coordination, and strength. ... You helped to make our children’s lives become more independent and fulfilling as well as improving the world for children with disabilities.”
– Jenny DiLaura, CTRS, CCLS, Cassie Smith, CTRS, Caring for Kids Program